
A Chicken Story

( Egg Basket ) ( Mini Watering Can ) Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, we had six backyard chickens! We got four of them as pullets (close to laying age) and two as chicks a few months later. We had: A Black Australorp named Poppy (seed)  A Black Star named Chili (powder) A Red Star named Ginger (spice) A Delaware named Pepper (corn) A Buff Orpington named Star (anise) A Blue Plymouth Tint named Truffle (salt) I guess you could call them our spice girls! We spent way too much money on them (we ordered the pullets from Heritage Pullets ) and for them (a thousand-dollar coop from Urban Northern Coops and organic feed from Scratch and Peck  when it got difficult to find organic options at Tractor Supply Co.), but they were totally worth it. The experience of raising them and caring for them was something the whole family will never forget. We treated them like pets and would rush home before sunset to make sure they were closed up safely in their coop every evening...

Cleaning Supplies That Get The Job Done!

Hello! My mom recently hired me to go clean her house once a week. She wanted someone she knew to do it, and I've been happy to help her out and earn a little money while I'm at it! I decided to purchase a set of cleaning supplies to keep in the trunk of my car so that I wouldn't have to be packing and unpacking my own cleaning tools each week. I ordered this set of four roomy and sturdy  tote bags  (my cleaning spray and vinegar bottles fit into the slots meant for wine): These disposable gloves : These dust cloths : This purple  Norwex window cloth  (because I love mine so much in my own home): These stiff bristle brushes that are amazing for cleaning grout: I gave her my vacuum  (it's cordless, lightweight, and self-empties) and ordered the same one again to keep: I also use my steam mop on her floors: For anything else I need, (for toilet scrubbing, etc.) I just use what she already has. I've been quite pleased with all of these purchases so far, and they ...

Leo's PFAPA Diagnosis

Since my last post we have added a third wonderful son to our family! Leo James Fox is our spunky one and a half year old who keeps us all on our toes with his penchant for mischief and mayhem! He's also completely adorable, loving and oh so squishy which helps us deal with his hyper antics and toddler tantrums. šŸ˜œ The first time he had a high fever was in August of last year. He was 8 months old and our pediatrician diagnosed an ear infection and what looked to be the beginning of a throat infection. He said that it was strange for Leo's fever to be that high from an ear infection (I think it was 103 at that point) and that if it got worse that night we should take him to the ER. That evening, even with meds and cool baths, his fever spiked to 105. I rushed him to the ER in a panic and after all the tests and swabs and a chest x-ray the doctor said Leo just had a cold! He thought it was strange that Leo's fever was so high as well and recommended alternating between child...

Milk Paint Cabinets, Shoji White Walls and Lots of Flowers: A Kitchen and Dining Room Update

Hello! I'm back with lots of pictures of my updated kitchen and dining room! Although I realized after the fact that I seemed to take more pictures of the flowers (purchased and from my yard) than of the actual work I've done to the space! I guess I just really love fresh flowers! Here's how things were looking last year with our tiny fridge, curtains hung too low, etc... I was tired of the orange oak cabinets and island, and wanted a fresh look for our old table as well. Here's how it looks now! I used General Finishes milk paint in Seagull Gray on the cabinets, and Sherwin Williams Alabaster on the island. I painted the island first, and chose oil based paint for its durability. However the fumes were so awful and lasted so long that I knew I had to use something different for the rest of the cabinets. After some research, I found this blog post about using milk paint on kitchen cabinets and I was sold! I ordered everything I needed through Amazon and still h...

Unblogged Birthday

Is it even a birthday if you don't blog about it? Kidding! Once upon a time I blogged regularly. First I used the blog to record my weight loss journey after I had a baby, then (as I started to enjoy fashion again) I started posting my outfits and participating in blog link-ups. I did a few guest posts for other bloggers, won a lot of giveaways, wrote a few sponsored posts, and commented on a lot of blogs I followed (and got comments and followers in return). It was a lot of fun, but not something I wanted to keep up with in the long run. I'm not fashion forward or creative with clothes. I do want to dress uniquely and feel effortlessly stylish in whatever I wear, but I refuse to waste money just to have something new to post about. As I work towards getting back to my goal size (again!) I want to curate a closet that only has clothes I love, clothes that are flattering and can be mixed and matched with ease. Anyway, the point I'm ge...

Warm Weather Sweater

Sweater (TJMAXX) Jeans ( TJMAXX ) Sandals (Marshalls) Necklace ( JewelMint ) Watch ( Fossil ) It's the first of November, but that doesn't mean much here in Texas. It's still warm and dressing in lovely layered fall clothes is not an option. (It's definitely NOT sweater weather !) Enter the warm weather sweater...appropriate for fall without making you sweat. Love it! (I linked similar jeans, but mine were $20 not $70!)

A Week of Celebrating Sean's Sixth!

Sean turned six on the 2nd and we ended up having three separate celebrations for him, one with my side, one with friends, and one with Ryan's side. We had so much dessert last week I need to give up sugar again to make up for it! Everyone had fun though, and we're so proud of our smart, fun, six year old! On Sean's actual birthday we treated him and his friends to 2 hours at a local trampoline park. It was the perfect spot for a bunch of active kids to jump around to their heart's content! My friend Karen made the most delicious cupcakes for Sean! The kids had a blast and several of us parents jumped as well. We can't wait to go back soon, even though we were sore and tired afterwards! Connor actually took a LONG nap, unheard of!! We appreciated that for sure. This was from the dinner at my sister's house. That candle we picked out was a sparkler and it spooked Sean a bit! Connor wanted the presents to be for him! M...