A Chicken Story

( Egg Basket ) ( Mini Watering Can ) Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, we had six backyard chickens! We got four of them as pullets (close to laying age) and two as chicks a few months later. We had: A Black Australorp named Poppy (seed) A Black Star named Chili (powder) A Red Star named Ginger (spice) A Delaware named Pepper (corn) A Buff Orpington named Star (anise) A Blue Plymouth Tint named Truffle (salt) I guess you could call them our spice girls! We spent way too much money on them (we ordered the pullets from Heritage Pullets ) and for them (a thousand-dollar coop from Urban Northern Coops and organic feed from Scratch and Peck when it got difficult to find organic options at Tractor Supply Co.), but they were totally worth it. The experience of raising them and caring for them was something the whole family will never forget. We treated them like pets and would rush home before sunset to make sure they were closed up safely in their coop every evening...