
Showing posts from February, 2012

Sean's Shenanigans 2

Sean loves sitting on the balcony and watching all the cars pass. On this day he did it in a pan from the kitchen! Sometimes he falls asleep sitting up! (Actually this was the only time, which is why I had to take a pic!) He likes going under the bed and showing off how flexible he is!  He gives me cute smiles that just melt my heart. He looks like a little angel while sleeping... But sometimes he looks like a frog! Oh and he loves playing big keyboards with his Dad too! Going to the playground is still one of his favorite activities, and when mom brings snacks it's even better! He likes to access a fort under the table through a tunnel. And having a camping lantern under there is super fun! I'm pretty sure he's gotta enjoy being so darn cute in a romper too!  P.S Some of these pics are several months old, which is why you see him with a pacifier. He has been paci free for quite a while now! He lost all of them around the house, and ea...

Feeling Foxy

So despite having twisted my ankle the other day, I laced up my tennies and went out to run errands with my boys yesterday. We were going to buy some crutches, but decided to give it a few days to see how quickly I heal. I wore my new chevron top from Gap (on final sale for less than 5 bucks) and my new fox ring for a dollar from ebay.  I also wore my little birdie earrings from Target. Ryan always says they're my chicken earrings, but I still don't think they look like chickens! Anyway, we got a few things at the store (I love the Almay liquid eyeliner I bought!!) and went to Peter Piper Pizza for the boys to play. Ryan played Dance Dance Revolution and Sean drove all the little vehicles there and sat on horsies. I was able to limp around pretty well... and then I got home and took off my shoe to see my ankle super swollen again! Today I am going to stay off it as best as I can! Thanks for the well wishes friends! P.S I started watching Downton A...

Escape To Costa Rica

Ocean Escape by valfox Back in '09 my husband stayed in Costa Rica for several weeks on a business trip. He fell in love with the natural beauty there and promised me he'll take me to visit someday. Looking through the photos he took, I just had to choose Costa Rica as my dream destination for the theme of this week's Friday's Fancies . The serene ocean vistas inspired me to put together a simple blue and tan look that would be perfect for strolling along the beach with my honey. In the past I've worn tees and shorts to the beach (as seen below), but maybe next time I'll get to wear something like this lovely J.Crew tunic dress. I wouldn't care what I was wearing though, as long as I got to experience Costa Rica with my baby! In the meantime, I am very much looking forward to the massages we have scheduled for Saturday. Have an amazing weekend everyone, or as they say over there: pura vida!

This and That

Valentine's Day Colors by valfox   Yesterday I ran to Target to check out the new  Jason Wu  collection and I fell in love with this blush/polka dot/bow front blouse! There was a surprisingly big selection of clothes left at the Target I went to. I guess people in my town weren't that excited about the debut! I put the top back for the time being though, (I think I might wait until it goes on sale) so for now I'll enjoy using it in this week's Friday's Fancies ! (Go check all the gorgeous outfits out  here !) Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! The days seem a little mixed up to me because Ryan was off yesterday and that made it feel like the weekend already. I'm not complaining though, the extra day off was great! We worked out, noshed on Mongolian beef for dinner and watched American Idol. (It seems everyone is getting ill/fainting/falling on set!) Sean also got to enjoy an impromptu play date with his cute little cousins. I love those...

A Night of Shakespeare

(Top, tank and heels from Ross, jeans from Old Navy, watch from Fossil, purse from my mom) This gazebo is where Ryan proposed to me over five years ago! We were at our old university campus on Friday night to see a production of Macbeth  (our friend was in the play...he was really good!) and afterwards we walked over to the garden to reminisce/take pictures. It was a beautiful evening and we saw a whole herd of deer at one point! I wore my new polka dot blouse and BCBG heels from Ross and I really loved them. I also loved only paying 10 dollars for the heels! They're the highest heels I've worn in quite a while, but thankfully I got through the night without any mishaps. If only the same could be said for Macbeth...

Hello Spring!

Spring Into Brights by valfox   How great is this silk blouse with the contrasting trim? I think wearing it with some dark skinnies, neon flats, and cobalt blue jewelry would be a great way to ease into brighter colors for springtime. (Which is pretty much here already in south Texas!) Outfit one is my "safe" look for this week's Friday's Fancies (Spring Fever), and outfit two is my more "adventurous" one. Honestly I don't know if I could pull it off, but I do think the coral and grey color combo is interesting. Which look is your favorite? Casual brights or fancy coral? Coral for Spring by valfox   p.s. Make sure to go check out all the lovely looks at { long distance loving } this week!