Leo's PFAPA Diagnosis
Since my last post we have added a third wonderful son to our family! Leo James Fox is our spunky one and a half year old who keeps us all on our toes with his penchant for mischief and mayhem! He's also completely adorable, loving and oh so squishy which helps us deal with his hyper antics and toddler tantrums. 😜 The first time he had a high fever was in August of last year. He was 8 months old and our pediatrician diagnosed an ear infection and what looked to be the beginning of a throat infection. He said that it was strange for Leo's fever to be that high from an ear infection (I think it was 103 at that point) and that if it got worse that night we should take him to the ER. That evening, even with meds and cool baths, his fever spiked to 105. I rushed him to the ER in a panic and after all the tests and swabs and a chest x-ray the doctor said Leo just had a cold! He thought it was strange that Leo's fever was so high as well and recommended alternating between child...