June 19th - Bittersweet

No idea who the three on the left are,
but my Dad is the hunk on the right!

My dad passed away in 2004, and although it's awful being without him and we miss him all the time, as Christians we know he's waiting for us in heaven and we'll see him again someday! He was a Godly, loving, wonderful dad and it will be a wonderful reunion and we'll celebrate all the missed events in the years that have passed since we've been together.  

This year I get to celebrate Father's Day in a different way than I have in the recent years, because it's my husband's first one as a dad! Ryan has been the most amazing father ever since the very first time he held Sean on August 2, 2010. I love seeing Sean run to the door with his arms up when his daddy gets home from work. I love seeing Sean being rocked to sleep for his nap time in his daddy's arms. I love hearing Sean's giggles when his daddy is tickling him. I love getting up at night to cover Sean only to be told by his daddy that he already did it. I love seeing Sean walk hand in hand with his daddy who loves him so. 
Thank you for being such a great daddy babe! I love you!
