Week 18

New Same Weight:

Yay I maintained this week! :)

Insanity Update:
I did three Insanity work outs this week. Next week my goal is to fit in five. I love that image from pinterest up there because it reminds me that even if I'm going slower than the super fit gals on the Insanity videos, I'm  still doing something and that's what counts!

I need to pack for our trip tomorrow so instead of continuing on with Bethenny's rules for healthy eating, I'll just throw my measurement improvements out there.

 First measurements are from 4/30/11 and the second ones are from today.

   Bust: 36 ---> 36
 Waist: 29 ---> 28
Hips: 36.5 ---> 35
   Rear: 41 ---> 38
 Thighs: 41 ---> 38
    Calf: 14 ---> 13
 Ankle: 9 ---> 9

I've lost 18 pounds since 4/30/11 and 9.5 inches.

Ok, time to pack!!


  1. Great, GREAT job!!!! You are awesome!!!!!!!!

  2. Ty ty ty Stephanie! Positive feedback is so encouraging!!!

  3. Enjoy your trip! You are doing awesome and thank you for updating us on how everything is going :D


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