Huntress - Friday's Fancies

            Huntress by valfox
Costumes are cool and I certainly love candy, but I actually don't celebrate Halloween. I feel it glamorizes creepy things that should be left alone, i.e., witches, ghosts, monsters, etc. (Yeah I don't like horror movies either!) I love the idea of a costume party at some other time of the year though, and I'd love to go as a bow and arrow wielding huntress!  I think it would be so fun to make your own costume by mixing clothes you may already own with a few unique accessories.


  1. how much fun is this costume? i love it!

  2. Ohhh I love all of the leather on this costume!

  3. Aw, this is cute! Have a great weekend!

  4. Before I read what you wrote, I thought your outfit was an homage to Katness from the Hunger Games. I LOVE the HG series! Love the outfit. I think the bow and arrow would make me feel like a total badass!

  5. Thanks everyone! Tyler, may the odds be EVER in your favor! xD I love the HG series too!!

  6. Cute idea! I almost went with something similar in real life - Katniss from The Hunger Games :)

  7. Ooh I love this! What a great idea for a costume!

  8. Love this idea! So different from the typical sexy outfits or whatnot. And never hurts having a weapon with you. ;)

    Have a fab weekend, doll! :)

  9. Believe it or not, I'm not a big Halloween girl--I just thought it would be a fun Friday's Fancies theme ;) thanks for playing along still...and if I ever spotted you wearing a costume like this, I'd be impressed! Hope you had a great weekend! xoxo {av}


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