Shorts and Tights in the Middle of Nowhere

(Top and purse from Kohl's, shorts from Ross, tights from Forever 21, shoes from Payless, bracelet from JewelMint)
I wore this on Saturday out on a date in celebration of my anniversary. After dropping Sean off at his grandparents we drove down the road to find a spot to take a few pics. By the time we stopped we were getting pretty close to the river and my hubby was nervous about getting kidnapped by the Zetas. We saw a couple of people on horseback and a fox, but thankfully no cartel members.  
I LOVE my new bracelet from JewelMint. I was so thrilled to win this amazing giveaway from the sweet Lindsay over at Delighted Momma! I picked this whimsical bracelet for myself and some other items for family members. They took a week to arrive and came in lovely boxes ready to be gifted! I can't wait!
I feel so blessed to have this funny, sweet guy as my husband! (He's easy on the eyes too!)
We tried out a new Vietnamese restaurant in town and were quite pleased with the delicious summer rolls and humongous bowls of noodle soup. We had plenty left over for dinner the next day!
We were going to stop at a new coffee shop after dinner, but it was closed. The next choice was Starbucks but everyone else had the same idea and it was PACKED. We ended up at a little place called Chocolateka instead and enjoyed some treats. 
We also did some last minute Christmas shopping for my nieces and nephews. We found a little light-up light saber and had to pick it up for Sean. He can't get enough of it! (Ryan either apparently) Best five dollars spent ever! (Yes that paci is back to stay for a while!) Oh and later that night my integrity got tested when we realized the cashier didn't charge us for one of the items we got (worth 15 bucks). The idea of keeping it was tempting but my conscience wouldn't let me live with that so the next day I went back to pay for it. The cashier seemed surprised and said it was very honest of me! Honesty is the best policy!


  1. i love Vietnamese food!!! unfortunately in Italy there aren't a lot around...they don't know what they are missing!
    Have a lovely day
    Sara C.

  2. You look SUPER cute! Love it! I've wanted to try shorts and tights, but I just haven't yet.

  3. I love it! And ive never had vietnamese. but want to try it.

  4. All the photographs are beautiful~~
    God Bless you...
    Your outfit is really kawaii~~ I love it your bag and your shoes...

    Sakuranko Blog
    My Facebook Fan Page


  5. Haha! I love the picture of both of your guys enjoying that light saber! So funny.

    And your anniversary sounds like such a perfect celebration! I am currently starving as I right this (dramatic, I know), and that spring roll looks divine. Yum.


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