An Afternoon at the Fair

Precious moments with Sean baby at the fair!
Sean really likes cows, so I was happy he got to see them up close! 
My sister and her sweet little girl.
I pet this turkey that was out of its cage and it gave me the evil eye!
What a good name for a goat!
He was so brave in amongst all the animals in the petting zoo! He especially loved the tortoise and the pig.
Guess the camel was getting a deep tissue massage?? Too funny.
Sean and I got to feed the goats.
My niece loved the pony ride!
Some turquoise jewelry for sale.
Trying to pass off as a cowgirl!
Well our trip to the fair on Saturday was quite fun, despite the crazy wind that came up and blew dust in our eyes and a turkey with intent to peck me! We met up with my sister and her family and the kiddos really enjoyed getting up close and personal with all the animals (except for that turkey of course)! Ryan and I were thrilled to watch Sean experience so many new things! Getting to see everything through his eyes gives us new perspective and lets us enjoy the simpler things in life. (Petting a pig, sharing an Italian know, the good stuff!) Having kids really does let you relive your own childhood!


  1. It looks like you guys had such a fun time and I love your outfit! BOO for a small dust storm. :/

  2. I love doing childhoos faves with our boys too. Great pics!

  3. Haha, I still love going to the fair as an adult, but having kids with you is definitely a great excuse to go!!!


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