
Showing posts from 2014

Six Months of Con Man

Oh Connor boy how we love you! I can't believe you are already 6 months old! Time is certainly passing very quickly, but on the other hand it feels like you've been in our family forever! You don't nap as often as you did a few months ago, so there's lots of time for you to be entertained by your brother and to learn new things every day. Your doctor said you are ahead and that most babies your age are just learning to roll both ways, something you learned before 4 months! You sit up like a pro and are so close to crawling! You are ticklish and we all love to make you laugh! You just learned to smack your lips and enjoy doing it often. Your personality is starting to show some fiery spunk as evidenced by the barks of indignation you make when you want out of your crib or when you want attention. You continue to adore your big brother and melt the hearts of all that meet you. I love hearing you say ma ma and blah blah and lots more cute sounds! You and your ...

My Baby Shower Fiesta

I'm playing catch up on this old blog of mine with the main "events" that happened this year, and I realized I hadn't posted pictures from the baby shower my family threw me back in April! We feasted on taco salad, taquitos, chips, fruit salad, little pastries, lime sherbet punch, mint M&Ms, and tres leches cake with fruit on top. (All my faves!) I tried to pick lots of green things to stick with the color scheme. I also made white chocolate spoons as favors for everybody and made a wreath to hang on my front door-- since I had so much free time back then only having one kid... haha! We had fun playing a few non-embarrassing games (no guessing the size of my huge baby bump!) and then decorated a bunch of onesies for Connor. They came out so cute and I've enjoyed remembering the love from my family and friends every time Connor wears one! Speaking of Connor, he might be waking me up soon to nurse so I better get some sleep!

Four Years

 Sean turned 4 last month! We threw a pirate-y bash for him and he absolutely loved it! We served fresh fruit and veggies, chips, goldfish, cocktail shrimp, fish sticks and brisket sandwiches with Swedish fish and cupcakes for dessert.   The kids played outside in the pool and ate picnic style on beach towels afterwards.  Last year Sean didn't like being the center of attention and refused to pose with his cake, but this time he was in seventh heaven! (I think he appreciated the spotlight for a bit after everything's been all about baby for a while!) He even did the "royal wave" for his grandpa!  Everyone had a lot of fun and I can't wait to plan his next birthday party! Here's some of his favorite things at age 4: Fave color:  "Purpoh." Fave number:  "10." Fave letter: "S for my name!" Fave food:  "Eggplant." (We had just had chicken with eggplant for lunch) Fave drink:  ...

Tummy Time

To borrow my husband's favorite phrase (to make fun of), I can't even!  Those eyes! Those lashes! Those cheeks! Love love love. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

South Padre Island

Last week we spent a few days at South Padre Island for a little family vacation! We enjoyed introducing Connor to the ocean for the first time and despite the look of indifference in the photos, he actually did like the water. I will say that traveling with a four year old and a three month old is kind of crazy though! Between potty breaks and nursing stops the trip doubled in time, which led to some stressful meltdowns in the car. We're going back next June though! Some insanity in the car is worth it to get back to that gorgeous beach! Next time I might just take the portable DVD player though...


Oh these two.  I think they're going to be great friends.

Outnumbered! (Again)

Easter 2014  4th of July 2014 Well, I am still the reigning female in our household... because we had another boy! On May 31st I was a few days away from my due date and after doing yard work, playing with Sean in the pool and eating copious amounts of sweet cream Marble Slab ice cream (with gummy bears!), I went to bed in the same amount of discomfort I had been experiencing all week (a lot of pressure but nothing I couldn't stand). After about an hour of trying to get comfortable I got up at midnight to clean up the house a bit. I put some laundry away, cleaned the bathroom mirrors, washed a bowl and a cup that was in the sink...all very important to have done if the baby was coming...and by the time I decided to put makeup on (again, very important before giving birth) I had to sit on the edge of the tub every few minutes to wait out the contractions. I let Ryan sleep a little more and then at 1:45 I woke him up and said it was go time! He called his mom and sh...