Six Months of Con Man

Oh Connor boy how we love you! I can't believe you are already 6 months old! Time is certainly passing very quickly, but on the other hand it feels like you've been in our family forever! You don't nap as often as you did a few months ago, so there's lots of time for you to be entertained by your brother and to learn new things every day. Your doctor said you are ahead and that most babies your age are just learning to roll both ways, something you learned before 4 months! You sit up like a pro and are so close to crawling! You are ticklish and we all love to make you laugh! You just learned to smack your lips and enjoy doing it often. Your personality is starting to show some fiery spunk as evidenced by the barks of indignation you make when you want out of your crib or when you want attention. You continue to adore your big brother and melt the hearts of all that meet you. I love hearing you say ma ma and blah blah and lots more cute sounds! You and your brother and your daddy are the best boys in the world! <3
