Outnumbered! (Again)

Easter 2014
 4th of July 2014
Well, I am still the reigning female in our household... because we had another boy! On May 31st I was a few days away from my due date and after doing yard work, playing with Sean in the pool and eating copious amounts of sweet cream Marble Slab ice cream (with gummy bears!), I went to bed in the same amount of discomfort I had been experiencing all week (a lot of pressure but nothing I couldn't stand). After about an hour of trying to get comfortable I got up at midnight to clean up the house a bit.

I put some laundry away, cleaned the bathroom mirrors, washed a bowl and a cup that was in the sink...all very important to have done if the baby was coming...and by the time I decided to put makeup on (again, very important before giving birth) I had to sit on the edge of the tub every few minutes to wait out the contractions. I let Ryan sleep a little more and then at 1:45 I woke him up and said it was go time! He called his mom and she rushed over right away to stay with Sean.

I made it to the hospital, got registered, survived multiple attempts to get the i.v. into my "jumpy" veins, answered the million questions they have to ask you and oh so sweetly requested an epidural. I huffed and puffed through the HORRID contractions and remember the nurse saying to stop or I'd hyperventilate. My water broke. Still no epidural. I think I was squeezing Ryan's hand pretty badly and praying for the pain to go away at that point.

My doctor and the anesthesiologist arrived at the same time and as they were helping me sit up for the epidural I said (or maybe growled/yelled) It's too late! I have to push! And so I did.

Little Connor Nathaniel was born at 4:09 AM on June 1st, 2014 after about 20 minutes of pushing. 7 pounds 4 ounces, 20 and a half inches long. Beautiful, healthy, and just perfect! God is good and we are so in love.
