Connor Turns One!

What a busy month June was! We celebrated Connor's first birthday at the beginning of the month and then left for the beach for four days the next morning. The party was a blast and the beach was fun/chaotic (traveling with kids, you know how it is...) and when we got home I had lots to do to prepare for Vacation Bible School the following Monday. I helped teach in Sean's class and Connor had lots of fun in the toddler room! My mom and Ryan joined us for family night at the end of the week and that weekend was my 29th birthday as well as Father's day. My sister's birthday is a week after mine, so we waited to celebrate with my side 'til last Saturday, and my mother-in-law's birthday is today so we're going to celebrate both our birthday's on the Fourth of July! It feels like June is one long party, I love it! What a happy, crazy month! Lots of sun, sunscreen, and pool time too. Just the way summer should be!

Connor's First Year in Pictures from val fox on Vimeo.
